Missionarissen van Afrika.
(witte paters)

Riny heeft het koud in Kenia.

zaterdag 14 juli 2007


Sorry, in het engels!

July 14, 2007

Dear All,

Riny van Broekhoven

You have seen the subject of this email:"God knows". Indeed, Starting to address several of you personally but not knowing anymore whom I have sent a line to and whom not. So, I take you on in one go!!! How are you?


I am freezing here. It is terrible weather. If our spirit would be depending on the sun here then we would be all down, deep far away!

We have not seen the sun for 3 weeks surely. I am surprised myself that this is noticed by many people here. Big vests on, a cap, double clothing. If one has work, better to do heavy manuel work outside; one is warm by that. You see what I am doing! Inside and the walls are icy and so is the house.

This mornig I have taken 2 tyres to the garage; all in all 4 punctures! One was even tubeless. When trying to take the road across my lane, I have seen cars passing right and left of me, not able to wait like me, seeing drivers standing on their brakes. No accidents! Just miracles all over. People try to avoid one another!!!!! No car damages but the heart is overtaken by fear!


Yesterday I was phoned by a hotel manager and he told me that it had been a long time that we had not seen one another. He likes to see me, being a stern catholic I think but especially he pleases me too as he has found me to be a priest who knows some places where the poor are being looked after. So, he had again a hundred big plates and some cups; this time for the parish, Guadalupe at Adam’s Arcade. They were very happy with it.

Later he will send me still track suits and blankets for the mentally handicapped at the Brothers of Charity. This manager had already donated plates and cups before; so some other Sisters were lucky for their works among the women in the slum Kibera. He had never seen the sight of the slums before so he told me and now he is touched by the people themselves and the ones working there. Nice.


Having from time to time a letter of mine, does us, me in any case a lot of good. Some I will see after some time when tey return from holidays; others can hardly imagine what it is like here and others want to have the English spelled out as English is not one’s mother tongue. When I am writing like this, I see different people passing by in my mind and I wonder how you could be. If you have some time, just give a sign of life. It does me some good too.


There is an attachment! (see below)

All the best.

God bless and united in prayer.


Email address: rinyvanbr1938@yahoo.fr
Skype: rinyvanbr. Then we can talk!!! Local time at 9.00 p.m.

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